About School
Agrawal Community always believes in “Sarva Jan Hitay Sarva Jan Sukhay”. By this mantra, Agrawal Samaj always engages in social & public service not only in India but all around the world. Agrawal Education Foundation proudly presents Maharaja Agrasen International School – an initiative to create an environment which enables to learn 21st century skills for success at school, at work and at life.
The children of today are gearing up to become adult citizens of tomorrow. MAIS stimulates curiosity in the young minds and equip them with tools to be better human beings.
Education is not a leaning of facts but it is a training of mind to think beyond. For us, education is more than a curriculum as we firmly believe in multidimensional development of child along with academic excellence.
We facilitate the cultivation of healthy thought process to groom the cognitive abilities and maximize the level of students to think BIG. The learning process is instrumental in shaping child’s personality.
We aim to help the individuals to inherit rich cultural heritage of past, to preserve and enrich it through the activities and transmit it to rising generation in a fruitful and meaningful way.
Leadership activities are focused on developing leading attitude which helps to learn the art of building relationship with the team and display the effective communication and interpersonal skill.
We are committed to create a community of lifelong learners with moral character empowered with vision to think globally and act locally. The shift of thoughts from bookish knowledge to the knowledge of life has brought forth a sea of change.
According to us creativity is related to ‘Imagination’, but innovation is related to ‘Implementation’. Change is the basic law that governs the entire nature, so if one wants to go along with the world then the only requirement is to be creative and to be innovative.
Different interactive sessions, and student development programs help to nurture the inherent potential and talent of students. Our students receive transformative learning experience coupled with practical learning opportunities.
School education at MAIS – Motivation for Ambition of life through Innovations and Skill enhancement, which contribute immensely to the development of the young minds as they step into adulthood.